24-hour security: 0861 111 728

Recruitment and Staff Selection Process

Internal recruitment of existing personnel will be effected after the Job description has been drafted. Should any posts not be filled after the internal recruitment drive, only then will external recruitment be sought. This is to ensure that we stay committed to our policy of employing the “right candidate for the job”. In addition to the aforesaid, we have one of the lowest staff turn-over in the entire security fraternity. Securicon maintains a rigid selection policy. Potential candidates are required to meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Language profficiency As a pre-requisite, all candidates are required to meet certain written and oral language standards to demonstrate their proficiency in written and spoken English
  • Education Candidates are required to have minimum Matric qualification
  • P.S.I.R.A Validation and Regulations Employment contracts of all potential recruits are only formalized once a PSIRA clearance has been obtained. Minimum Grade D-B PSIRA Registration with specific Armed Reaction Training Module (where applicable)
  • Valid Documentation Recruits must be in possession of a valid South African Identity book
  • Personal Hygiene and Appearance Recruits are required to meet the Company’s exacting standards pertaining to personal health, fitness, hygiene and personal appearance
  • Comprehensive Skills and Initiative Potential candidates are required to display their comprehensive skills and ability to brandish initiative in a variety of simulated test situations.